This year, too, we invite you to notice and support the biodiversity that surrounds us. Nature needs protection all around us. Nature protection areas are safe havens for biodiversity, but they alone cannot maintain biodiversity in every corner of Estonia. Anybody can extend a helping hand to the nature of Estonia, create and restore conditions suitable for biodiversity all around us. Nature conservation for everyone is a conscious step that contributes to the conservation of Estonian species and their habitats.
As the name says, nature conservation starts with every one of us. It is possible to start in a variety of ways, even by creating a small pond on your plot, placing a small box of domestic flowers or herbs on your balcony, leaving some patches unmowed around your house so that meadow flowers could blossom and insects could pollinate them. Nature conservation for everyone is most effective when biodiversity needs are noticed by as many as possible.
As the name says, nature conservation starts with every one of us. It is possible to start in a variety of ways, even by creating a small pond on your plot, placing a small box of domestic flowers or herbs on your balcony, leaving some patches unmowed around your house so that meadow flowers could blossom and insects could pollinate them. Nature conservation for everyone is most effective when biodiversity needs are noticed by as many as possible.
Recommendations for collective works
- Brainstorming and idea gathering for creating a biodiversity area
- Creating a patch of meadow flowers
- Sowing a mishmash plant bed
- Extending a previous biodiverse area
- Building an insect hotel out of various materials
- Building nesting boxes for birds and shelter boxes for bats
- Planting a walk or hedge of endemic plants
- Making old trees safer
- Clever use of down timber in support of biodiversity
- Building a compost box and/or creating a composting area
- Building a small stone fence out of leftover stones
- Designing guard fences out of tree stumps and logs
- Not doing something that would decrease biodiversity